The Sandy Hook Moms "If It Weren't For Cunt Music" (2022)

Produced By Randy Prozac



ASMR On My Dick

hey stupid fuckface
you remember me, eh?
i'm that fat faggot you hate
that diseased creep
watchin' you asmr
you little cunt
yeh, it's me again
and my dick's inverted
so go on
get to yer whisperin'
dig it out of its hole
get that asmr on my dick, right?
get that rotten cock
to crawl out

poke it a bit
so you can get at it
yeh, that's right
i'm still watchin'
jackin' at ya every day
can you feel it?
yeh, you know it's me, right?
asmr on my dick
whisper to it
whisper to this dick
you little cunt
whisper it
asmr on my dick
move yer mouth
you little bitch
whisper harder
yer whisperin' good tonight
come on, come on..
whisper harder you cunt
jerk off those microphones

ugh.. ugh..

oh, i lost it.. ugh..
i ain't feelin' it no more
this dick ain't feelin' the tingles
it's reinverted
it went back up inside
come on..
oh, now yer gettin' me goin'
oh yeh.. i'm standing on the chair now
completely nude

it's re-emerging!
it's starting to emerge again, eh
oh yeh! pound that shit
rub it on the monitor
rub it on yer face, alright!
gonna pound it on yer face
gonna pound this shit..

agh.. fell off the chair!
hahaha, did you see it, you cunt?
that's what you do to me
i gotta get back up there..

oh yeh.. oh yeh..
keep whisperin' that shit
you little cunt
yeh, pound it! pound it!

ugh.. ugh..

i'm fuckin' the monitor
you little bitch
can you feel it?

asmr to my dick
asmr to my dick

yeh, that's right
ugh.. ugh..

you little cunt
you little fuckin' bitch
that's right

asmr on my dick
asmr on my dick

i'm fuckin' the monitor
now i'm gonna blow a load
i'm gonna blow it on ya
slimy lumps on the monitor, yeh?

it ain't a lot
a thimbleful of cottage cheese
now suck it up you cunt
pound that inverted pud
show yer tits
you canker rotted freak

pound on it, pound it!
oh look, he's chuckin' up
haha! he's chuckin' up on yer face!
yeh? fuck yer whisperin' face
you little cunt
fuck yer face

asmr on my dick
asmr on my dick, yeh

asmr on my dick
asmr on my dick, yeh

asmr on my dick
asmr on my dick, yeh

asmr on my dick
asmr on my dick, yeh



Niggerdick On The Flashstick

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
how'd that get there?
you put it there, didn't ya?
cuz it sure wasn't me
that's what yer into, right?
filthy wanker!
yeh, i didn't put it there
if that's what yer thinkin'
makin' me look the faggot, eh?
that's funny to you?
i'm the asshole, right?
it's me who's the stupid sack of shit, yeah?

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the phone
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and you better leave it alone

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the fob
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and it's begging for a handjob

all the boys down at the pub saw it too, eh?
they all saw it.
you know that's the stick i keep me rugby on, yeah?
now i'm the faggot at the pub
cuz there's a niggerdick on my flashstick
they're all wishing me a happy kwanzaa
fuck off. look what you gone and done
real funny, innit?
makin' me look the racist eh?
when you put it there

what are you implying, eh?
is that me?
oh, i want the black dick? yeah?
dogs bollocks!
who's the asshole now?
cuz it aint me, you dizzy cunt
you spastic knob
when you say i'm the one who did it
were you takin' the mickey?
bugger off, i ain't the one
who put the niggerdick on the flashstick?

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the phone
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and you better leave it alone

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the fob
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and it's begging for a handjob

you say i'm a faggot. eh?
sod off!
i'll take the quick gash any day of the week
i'm a miserable tosser?
you're the one who brought it up
saying i'm the one who did it
when i dont remember it
i was on a bender
but i ain't the one
you floppy sog
suck balls

i'll put my asshole right up to your ear
and shit in it
and you'll be right there listening, haha!
right there listening
like a niggerdick on the flashstick
that's you, that's you!
a niggerdick on the flashstick
that's you and you!
a niggerdick on the flashstick
that's you and you!
a niggerdick on the flashstick
that's you, you and you!

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the phone
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and you better leave it alone

there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
there's a niggerdick on the fob
there's a niggerdick on the flashstick
and it's begging for a handjob



Fentanyl Avenue

i'd scrape myself off the pavement
but the cops got his knee on my back
i should have been an abortion
but instead i'm the chosen black, uh oh!

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll pass a fake bill or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack and we'll get higher

we''ll force our way into your apartment
shove a gun into your belly
don't give a shit if you're pregnant
give us all your money or die

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll pass a fake bill or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack and we'll get higher

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll suck a cock or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack then we'll get higher

took all the pills when the cops saw me
i took every single one
then i died from drug complications
but the statue's missing the gun, uh oh!

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll pass a fake bill or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack and we'll get higher

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll suck a cock or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack and we'll get higher

we'll get a rock or two on fentanyl avenue
we'll snort it and get higher
we'll pass a fake bill or two on fentanyl avenue
smoke crack and we'll get higher



Anne Frank With A Cock

i was walking down the street, late one night
minding my own business, i wasn't looking for a fight
when up to me walked this dodgy geezer
i knew him from the pub, he was a total pleaser
now i'm too drunk to make it rhyme anymore so lemme just tell ya
this bloke was a hardcore bastard, yeh?
he sold crack to kids, he'd steal from ya, he'd steal just to steal
he's was always jackin' off too, and he stank of jizz and diabetes
everything he said was lies even when he didnt need to lie
and he was a card carrying communist at heart
even though he wouldnt know much about it
a stupid punk, as if there's any other
well, maybe johnny rotten.. he was alright yeh?
but so here we are out in the rain..
walkin' and talkin' and sharing a bottle of rot gut
bum shit and v.d. whores givin' us the seedy eye
and he's jabberin' on about what a great guy he is
how he gives 3 quid a month to starvin african babies
so they can have pencils to eat or some shit
whatever it is those live aid fuckers do
inject them with experimental chemicals most likely, yeh?
so i tell him, eh, who gives a toss mate? you sure dont
you sell crack to kids, ya scurvy klepto
stop talkin shit ya gangrene maggot
pass me the mickey ya spotted dick
so then he starts losin' his fish n' chips, yeh?
he's goin bonkers, he's yellin' and screamin' about africans
and wailing around like one of them whirling goatfuckers
he's puttin' on the ham like a workin' girl
crying and cursing and marching in circles
spit flying and he prob'ly dont even remember why at that moment
cuz he only remembers things for about half a minute then it's gone
so i tell him, yeh mate.. you just need to shut the fuck up
you aint a great guy mate.. you give 3 quid so you can pretend
you ain't the evil bastard you are, but it ain't workin' is it?
no one buys yer shit, mate, everyone knows yer a lyin' dick
suck it up, yeh? stop actin' like yer on the rag
here, have a fag and knock it off..
so he calms down a bit and he wouldn't remember it anyway
and now he's tellin' me about world peace and unicef and all this shit
he's talkin' about how if he was the one in control
he would rule with an iron fist but that he hates hitler
even though he's always watchin' hitler on the tube
what a tosser.. ya gotta love the guy though, he's a true nutter
and he'd give ya the shirt off his back but you'd get shingles if ya wore it
and he'd just steal it back from ya anyway..
if ya wanna really wanna get him goin' tell him that the holocaust was rubbish
that'll do it.. you'd swear he was anne frank with a cock
good times mate.. good times.. you shoulda been there



Flabby Potato

hey, scrubby strip
i'll cream yer crackers for ya
how's yer father?
a real card carryin' cunt, ain't ya?
did he honk all over your pissworn face?
well, good on ya, twat!
we got a flabby potato here, yeah?
a real slapper! a plastered slag
i'll pound yer cunt like dieter bohlen
you know who that faggot is, yeah?
well, that's right, a slime ritual
dumb as shit and takin' the piss
a flabby potato, right.. a little sandy hooker
a poxy cunt retarded animal farm pig
low iq smashed face bag of aids
yeah, that's right, a flabby potato
a wretching std poptart oozing burger meat
one mother comforting another, yeah?
you heard me, a flabby potato, eh?
you smell like baby shampoo, total slut!
in a sacless age of cunt worship
a green nude eel is clocking yer orange
gargling hermaphrodite rape cock
at the little caesar's all hot 'n' ready
manterrupting little slop hog spit
yeah and everyone's watching a flabby potato
a real 'a' lister girl flavored pasty blank drain hole
a cultural prophylactic mannequin
you think you can tell me to shut up, eh?
you think you can police my thoughts, huh?
dumb fuck! in 'n' out burger frothy slug
do you think i give a shit? do ya? suck ass?
maybe i'll double up or maybe i don't give a fuck, eh?
a flabby potato eat balls stuffed rag vulgar rot
that's right! cucked rubble you pus infected screw
you saggy hot dog eat painful stimuli



Dicksuckers Without Borders

it was a cold day in april
when cocks sucked were thirteen
the pedophile teachers
gave kids gay pornography
exposing them without consent
to transgender ideology
exposing them to lust
and how to use the vaseline
funded by the catholic church
and rockefeller family

dicksuckers without borders, mate
tellin' them to fuck off
will getcha charged with hate
so sit down and shut up
while they normalize the rape
yer tax dollars payin' to
teach kids to masturbate

dicksuckers without borders, mate
they got a shield of protection
from the head of state
the gov wants the one in the roller skates
wants 'em so bad he forgot to lubricate

a chick with a dick and a rainbow mohawk
is teaching your kid how to play with his cock
they'll call cps if ya threaten to talk
charge ya with hate speech, toss ya in the cellblock

teachers advocating prostitution
disseminating sexual pollution
destroying society with toxic inclusion
on their long march through your institutions

ok mate.. i did me part
i'm gonna fuck off now down to the pub
grab a few pints before the rugby match, alright?
ah come on mate, i already sang the damn song
how much more is there?

ruined kids heads with marxist mind fucks
six million genders and social constructs
they don't give a shit, they just wanna corrupt
making ten year old kids want their hot dogs sucked

dicksuckers without borders, mate
tellin' them to fuck off
will getcha charged with hate
so sit down and shut up
while they normalize the rape
yer tax dollars payin' to
teach kids to masturbate

dicksuckers without borders, mate
they got a shield of protection
from the head of state
the gov wants the one in the roller skates
wants 'em so bad he forgot to lubricate

sex with your kids, that is the intent
only pedophiles get to be president



A Daft Cunt Like Me

hey mate.. mate..
eh, can you help a bugger out, yeh?
i'm down here, mate.. yeh
ah, i got curb stomped
by a pack of muzzies
yeah, they did a real number on me
look at this
they tried to cut off me willie
with a boxcutter, that's right
it's just hangin' there by the vein, ah jeez
help a bloke out, yeah?
come on.. help me out mate
you see, these paki's jumped me
and they tried to cut me dick off, alright?
they tried to behead me too
but me scabies freaked them out!
hahaha! yeah, they were trying to take
both heads off the ol' coin tosser 'ere, eh chum?
ah, did you notice me rickets?
it's good for the cricket, haha! get it?
oh, yer slow are ya? a daft cunt like me
that's good.. that's good..
i'll spot ya a pint later, down at the pub
but yeh.. bitches love rickets
i got lots 'o twisted head back in the day
you shoulda been there mate
but yeh.. those muzzies meant business, mate
they was pissed, yeh thats right
pissed cuz i showed 'em a sketch i made
of muhammad's head on the body of a dog
and he was takin' a shit on the quran
and sniffin' at it, yeh?
haha! that's right.. it was top notch
but those dirty bastards got no humor in 'em
yeh, none at all..
fuck.. i think me willie came off completely now
eh.. be a good lad
and put it in a baggy for me, will ya mate?
yeh, just put it in that empty bag of crisps
and i'll get the doc to stitch it back on at the clinic
ah fuck.. at least me balls are hangin' in there
that's the bright side, right?
yeh, i can still get me some action with only me balls
i don't really give a shit, mate.. that's how it is, yeh?
enough to get me some action right now if i wanted
you think i can't pound gash at the drop a of hat, mate?
you takin' the piss with me, yeh? fuck off!
you panty sniffin' cunt hole!
eh mate.. look.. can you put me damn dick
in the chip bag like i told ya?
yeh, just do it..
i don't wanna see some mangy cat runnin' off with it
yeh, maybe i'll keep it then..
keep it as a souvenir and wear it 'round me neck
that'd look good at the pub, eh?
those tossers would be gobsmacked over it
they'd jizz in their trousers all night
oh shit.. the ants are eatin' me dick
i can't even have that..
eh mate, pass me one of those boots, will ya?
right, good on ya.. flatten those little bastards, eh?
haha! smash my cock and die, you little cunts
that's the last cock you'll ever try to eat
you little fuckin' assholes.. fuck you.. oh yeh..
fucking muzzie trash..
so this is what it comes down to
this is what it comes down to..
ah, it figures.. yeh, it figures..