Terrorist Lipgloss "The System Will Tear Us Apart" (2012)

Produced By Randy Prozac



Socialized Trance

i died in my apartment and i rotted for weeks
but nobody found me until i started to reek
they scooped me up into a black bag
they wiped off my blood with a sterilized rag

they took out the carpet where i left a black stain
stuck to the ceiling was a piece of my brain
i used to be popular and i used to be cool
but then i got old and they said i'm a fool

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead

now i'm the old guy at the nightclub alone
can't figure it out, but i can't go home
i'm too used to being surrounded by people
too used to seeing through the eyes of other people

i need to be out, i'm afraid to be alone
i'll sit there in silence beside the quiet telephone
i try to be cool, but they think i'm a joke
no one on facebook will return my poke

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead

whatever i say is tired and dated
i forget the cool terms and i'm unrelated
i'm at the club but i'm just a ghost
no one pays attention when i make a toast

i used to be popular and i used to be cool
but then i got old and they said i'm a fool
i'm too dumb to leave but so are you
and one day soon you'll be sitting here too

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead

i love to party and i love to dance
but i wasted my life in a socialized trance
i wish i could go back but now i'm dead
i took my own life with a shotgun instead



Gasoline Hate

saturday night and i'm at the trendy club
i'm blending right in but there is the rub
i'm very accustomed to wearing a disguise
this is a special night i brought a surprise

beautiful girls walk past they glance at me
they like what they see and i could have them for free
but what they don't know is my broken dead mind
and i don't even notice when they follow behind

i walk out the exit and around to the back
i can feel my thoughts as they begin to crack
i walk by some girl and she makes a pass
ignoring her i pick up my can of gas

i head back in, i cross by the dance floors
no one knows that i've chained the doors
i dump the gasoline and i hear someone scream
but it's too late for that as i ignite the flame

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate

the bouncer tries to grab and i taser his face
he screams like a girl what a disgrace
i set him on fire and i kick off his head
it breaks wide open and some people faint dead

the flames are now spreading onto the bar
the bottles explode slashing anyone near
people being crushed up against the door
i dump some more gas and feed the fireball some more

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate

there's barely any air as i finish my task
that's why i brought this oxygen mask
the beat pounds away while the fire does its job
that beautiful girl's been reduced to a blob

anyone left is choking on fumes
i do a little dancing to the disco tunes
the police are now coming so i plant the bomb
i'll have to go to itunes and download that song

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate

burning flesh falling to the dance floor
exposing bone pretty faces are charred
screaming meat panicking to the beat
no one escapes my gasoline hate



Self Stimmy

i work at a group home
with retarded kids
and i stay there on the weekend
and i tuck them in
when the lights go down
it's just them and me
and it's time to teach my course
in self stimmy

all the retard girls
they just love me
we gather around
and we self stimmy
don't know what that means
but i know how it smells
and i get a discount sale
on petroleum gels

take off your pants
and take off your shoes
and give a retard
some good stiff booze
there's one that i like
and she's a little cripple
and i get her dancing
and take shots of her nipples

all the retard girls
they just love me
we gather around
and we self stimmy
don't know what that means
but i know how it smells
and i get a discount sale
on petroleum gels

what do i care?
you're the one that hired me
the retarded girls
love to self stimmy
i'm real normal looking
and you'd never guess
when i get your kids alone
they're in a state of undress

all the retard girls
they just love me
we gather around
and we self stimmy
don't know what that means
but i know how it smells
and i get a discount sale
on petroleum gels

i videotaped the one that i like
playing with herself
and she can't talk right
dunno why everyone
thinks this shit's so tragic
it's the time of my life
and the summer is magic

all the retard girls
they just love me
we gather around
and we self stimmy
don't know what that means
but i know how it smells
and i get a discount sale
on petroleum gels



Pedophiles On The Web

i'm a fat fuck
and i love my computer
i chat with teens
and i smell like baby powder

i pretend i'm a teen
but i'm 48
they send me their pictures
and it's time to masturbate

i have no friends
but online i have many
all of them are teens
and all of them are me

i talk to myself
and i weave my web
and wait for the teens
to add me as a friend

so many others
are just like me
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web

kiss wife goodnight
lock door to my room
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web

i can't help myself
as i stare at the box
chatting with the teens
as i play with my cock

they tell me all their secrets
and their teenage fantasies
sometimes we use mail
to exchange favorite panties

i'm old enough to be
their own father
the teens get me
so hot and bothered

good thing the chatrooms
have anonymity
it makes being a pedophile
just so easy

so many others
are just like me
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web

kiss wife goodnight
lock door to my room
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web

sometimes what happens
when i talk to a teen
is i find out it's just
another pedophile like me

we both have a laugh
and trade pictures of kids
there's no online shortage
of what a pedophile needs

the internet's a haven
for people like me
the web is just one big
pedophile community

but now i must go
back to my dark hole
the kids are waiting
and my inbox is full

so many others
are just like me
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web

kiss wife goodnight
lock door to my room
nobody knows that
we're pedophiles on the web



Kill Everyone Now

kill everyone
kill everyone now
don't care who
don't care how
kill everyone
kill everyone now
don't care who
don't care how
kill everyone
kill everyone now
kill them all
kill them now
kill kill kill
kill everyone now
kill everyone now
kill everyone now
kill everyone now
kill everyone
kill everyone
kill everyone
everyone now
kill everyone
everyone now
kill everyone
kill everyone now
kill everyone
kill everyone now



People Are Disease

people are disease
they don't matter to me
put them in a gas chamber
grind them into meat
set them on fire
with gasoline
erase the species
from history
glorified rodents
with mouths full
of rot
put poison
in the water tower
kill the lot
greasy grimy germs
with business suits
break their neck
with steeltoe boots
human being's a monkey
put all the babys
in a garburator
nothing's more disgusting
than a human being
send everyone
to the guillotine
where's the bubonic plague
when you need it?
where's that meteor?
i wanna see it
where's the radioactive rains?
where's the streets
covered in brains?
bring the lightning
bolts on down
and fry every man
woman and child
in this town
kill all the people
and their pets
kill everyone on the internet
starve them slow
or burn them quick
release the plagues
and make us sick
we wanna die
you know we do
we really have nothing
better to do
eat dead bodies
and drink their blood
blow that nuke
and start the flood
abort the mission
and kill the lights
end the game
and call it a night



Mr. Speedo

yeah i'm white
but i act like i'm black
my parents are rich
and they got my back
i got some tattoos
and yeah they're lame
i'm dead serious
when i play my pool game
mr speedo
poppin' some wood
i'm your banana buddy
i'm your dude
shaved my balls
so they'll slip and slide
in a psychological closet
i hide

i got my penis pierced
i didn't tell you?
oh man, i can't believe
i didn't tell you
i buy expensive clothes
designed to look street
i look like i'm from the hood
but my childhood was sweet



Please Kill Me

i'm going to visit my family
they live outside of sicamous see
but security's tripled and harassing me
they think my name is vince li
they're searching my bags with metal detector
the terminal's divided up sector by sector
afraid that someone will get beheaded you see
how many times has that happened in history?
if i wanna behead someone you can't stop me
i'll get on the bus outside of grande prairie
you only searched me in edmonton and in calgary
so i'll behead who i want and please kill me
we get on the bus and we travel along
it stops outside town and more people get on
but no one searched them they take their seats
i could bring a bazooka there's no security
so what is the point then of searching me back
in edmonton if i got on in leduc?
i can have my knife and cut off a head
stupid society deserves what it gets
if i wanna behead someone you can't stop me
i'll get on the bus outside of grande prairie
you only searched me in edmonton and in calgary
so i'll behead who i want and please kill me
security guards just milling around
nothing to do but intimidate moms
we're all guilty terrorists in their eyes
wasting tax dollars paying these guys
but we need to get used to police in daily affairs
cuz they keep us safe from terrorists
terrorists like you and me and grandma wheelchair
they might have a bomb is what i fear
if i wanna behead someone you can't stop me
i'll get on the bus outside of grande prairie
you only searched me in edmonton and in calgary
so i'll behead who i want and please kill me
if i wanna behead someone you can't stop me
i'll get on the bus outside of grande prairie
you only searched me in edmonton and in calgary
so i'll behead who i want



Fetus 2 Go

it's getting late and i need a date
i don't wanna sit home and masturbate
i head over to the abortion clinic
one of those girls will do me in a minute

i walk in the door and people just stare
girls sit there crying but i don't care
i ask some girl if she's got a light
i say hey baby watcha doin' tonight?

she looks like she's about to get sick
i wonder if she's the type that likes to suck dick?
hey i don't care if you wanna kill your child
let's go get drunk after and girls gone wild

fetus 2 go and i brought some confetti
let's grind it up and put it into spaghetti
come on baby i'll show you a good time
those pills they gave you go real good with wine

i know you're hurt and some attention you'll be needing
and i'm the type of guy who has no problem with bleeding
fetus 2 go and some girls gone wild
we'll stay up all night and we'll drink and dial

don't be ashamed jesus ain't in this place
we'll rub the abortion on snoop dogs face
i know how to make a pipe out of the skull
i'm totally serious ain't no jokin' at all

the girl asks the nurse to call the police
i lean a little closer and give a little squeeze

oh well i guess i'll try the next one in line
i come up behind and run my finger down her spine
how far along i say? 7 or 8?
the look on her face makes me wanna masturbate

don't talk to me she says, but i'm a doctor??
fetus 2 go and that's my final offer
i start to kiss her on the back of the neck
she vomits on herself this dark green slick

the green brings out your eyes i say to her
it won't be long now before she starts to purr
they take her away but she'll be back
maybe that fat one will lick my sac?

i sit next to her and ask if she needs to talk
i'm absolutely positive she wants my cock
i hear the suction machine in the back of the room
fetus 2 go when the flowers bloom

so i get up and try the one in the corner
she'll be the dog and i'll be the owner
you look really cute when you're in despair
that tragic guilty look really suits your hair

her eyes fill with tears and i start to smile
don't worry baby i know its been a while
what do you do? and i pretend to care
nothing. she says and i just stare

so she asks what do you like to do?
i say i write songs that mean fuck you



Thank You Google

i don't know how to spell
and i'm looking for rape porn
i wanna see some cunt
and i wanna see some gore

google helped me find
just what i need
it knew how to spell
pedophile correctly

thank you google
i found my necrophile porn
thank you google
i found my abortion cults

thank you google
i found my men drinking shit
thank you google
from the bottom of my pit

now i can watch
kidnapped children have sex
i got tired of that though
what's google got next?

i wanna see some thailand whore
covered in broken glass
i wanna see some breeder baby
get fucked up the ass

thank you google
i got to see a man shoot himself
thank you google
i got to see a dead penis in a dead mouth

thank you google
i got to see a woman eat dogshit
thank you google for all you do
and don't forget the spit