Terrorist Lipgloss "As The Links Fade Away" (2008)

Produced by Randy Prozac



Visions Of The Dead

i, i'll be there for you
during your most difficult times
like when you can't decide
which red wine
goes best with your
free range organic sex meat
or why the funeral director
is dressed to the 9's
above the desk
but his pants and shoes
are so cheap
you're all believing
the same malformed thoughts
believing into reality
the visions of the dead
accomplishing nothing
eating and excreting
so let me entertain
your cold dead brain
i can speak to you no more
the vomit fills my throat



Strangled In Baby Monitor Cords

hey you fucking pig
eating lobster on your acreage
seven figure salary
and your city boysclub elite
i'd like to cut your throat today
and cut off your hands
and throw them away
we don't need your disgusting need
to take more than your fellow being
a wretched pukestain that should die
and no one would even ask me why
your parents should have killed you at birth
and done a service to the fucking earth
but the idiot people are too stupid
they romanticize things they can't explain
like how we got to be in this place
and the pathetic fate of the human race
rolling with the city boys
and whores and hottub booze and gash
i'd like to get you in the shadows
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
and stab
everyone should come for you
and tear apart your corpse
everyone should kill your children
drown them like rats
but the people are too stupid
to ever do anything but die
a wretched pukestain that should die
and no one will ever ask me why



Big Truck Small Cock

feeling so big in my brand new truck
brain's real small but don't give a fuck
check the size of my king fucking cab
working on the pipeline's a cash fucking grab

three weeks on and one week off
all this cash makes me wanna jerk off
now i'm driving down to the city
grab a meth whore and fuck her shitty

i'm a truck driving faggot man
getting rich from raping the land
cuz of my job the poor can't afford
to feed their families who become my whores

i'm a truck driving faggot man
getting rich from raping the land
cuz of my job the poor can't afford
to feed their families who become my whores

heading back now to jerk some more pipe
fucking fumes killed all the wildlife
but who cares i love my car
gets me laid when i'm at the bar

looks like it's gonna be a wicked night
pocket full of money and looking for a fight
motherfucker's staring from across the hall
i'll fuck his old lady in the toilet stall

i'm a truck driving faggot man
getting rich from raping the land
cuz of my job the poor can't afford
to feed their families who become my whores

i'm a truck driving faggot man
getting rich from raping the land
cuz of my job the poor can't afford
to feed their families who become my whores

i don't care about ecological damage
i'm a working man, where's my corned beef sandwich?
this city's too small for my truck
indian bitch traded meth for a suck

i'm the man and i'm taking it all
food bank family can lick my ball
i'm the king in my big fucking truck
my cock is small but money gets it sucked

i'm a truck driving faggot man
getting rich from raping the land
cuz of my job the poor can't afford
to feed their families who become my whores



Skintight Greed Puppet

i want diamonds, i want gold
i want sportscar, i feel old
give me, give me, more and more
stylish clothes from department store

i want dinners, i want movies
i want presents, i want babies
give me, give me, more and more
freshly waxed my hardwood floor

i want money, i want fame
i want things that end my pain
give me, give me, more and more
my sunglasses are starting to bore

i want beaches, i want phones
i want things so i don't feel alone
give me, give me, more and more
my escargot spilled on the floor

i want lobster, i want steak
i want foie gras and cheesecake
give me, give me, more and more
i think i'll open a trendy store

i want necklace, i want watch
i want what no others got
give me, give me, more and more
filled my prescription at the drug store

i want hand bag, i want shoe
i want things so i feel like you



Mechanical Man

i was a man
but now i'm machine
i was created by the military
i've been enhanced by technology
i'm programmed to kill without mercy

set me loose in a foreign country
i kill everything my electronic eyes see
hide all you want
i can see through your walls
i record avi
so i can rewatch all my kills

i'll kill not just you
but your whole street
nothing can stop me
and you're my dead meat

i am a programmed
mechanical man
i kill who i'm told
and i'm under command

my hands are now knives
and my head is a gun
only pieces remain
when i get the job done

i'll crash through your door
like a mechanical bull
kick off your head
like a fucking football

walls covered in blood
before you can scream
kill your children
with my lawnmower machine

my legs can run faster
than all of your cars
my skin interchangeable
i can be anyone

i am a programmed
mechanical man
i kill who i'm told
and i'm under command

my hands are now knives
and my head is a gun
only pieces remain
when i get the job done

i'll electrocute you
just by shaking your hand
poisonous toxins
flow through my glands

cut me in half
and i'll grow back together
i'm radioactive so
from me you'll get cancer

i don't need to sleep
i don't need to eat
i'm proud to be
a u.s. marine

i am a programmed
mechanical man
i kill who i'm told
and i'm under command

my hands are now knives
and my head is a gun
only pieces remain
when i get the job done



Wish It Was September

wish it was september
we could walk through the leaves
you and i together
it would just be so sweet

wish it was september
we could feel the cold winds
blowing across our faces
as we tried to fit in

wish it was september
i would hold you so close
feel your soft warm body
right beneath your clothes

wish it was september
we could be as one
see your lipgloss shining
in the setting sun

wish it was september
with the dying grass
we would watch the jets
as they flew on past

wish it was september
as the shadows sink
pretending to be shy
your face is turning pink

wish it was september
it'd be you i miss
under the long shadows
i would give you a kiss

wish it was september
in your wedding gown
floating down the aisle
as the buildings fall down



Stick Your Bank Card Up Your Ass

standing in line at the grocery whore
color coded objects make me look to the floor

billboard's fucking with my head again
caught some sort of plague from the bulk food bin

150 dollars for two fucking bags
wasn't even worth it, having to be around those fags

working joe redneck stocking up on meat
anorexic secretary you can see her heart beat

manchurian super-dad buying shit for lawns
you know who with the glassy eyes buying chemicals for bombs

toxic vapors pouring from detergent aisle
low grade poison garbage that isn't even on sale

carcinogenic breads, endless row after row
stagnant metalized beverages, gone putrid beyond vile

mummified meats that cause cancer full of fat
plasticized fruits you couldn't feed to a rat

happy mk music piped in from the beyond
tired dying people that truly have been conned



Servicing The System

thank you for your service to the system
now that you're a senior, we don't need you

we drained your body through meaningless toil
and soon we'll plant you in the soil

your kids don't care they're too busy
the pills you're on make you dizzy

you can barely make it to the grocery store
on you, the system closed its door

maybe if you're lucky you'll get put in a home
where lots of you sit together, alone

no one comes to see you now
you're the systems trash, a glue farm cow

let's just keep you out of sight
sit in the corner, you'll be alright

you should be proud, you gave it all
before the faceless machine, you did crawl

the system doesn't care about you
for all your work, here's your payback

sit by the window and wait to die
feel too tired to even cry

i know it hurts to be forgotten
what did you expect from a society rotten



We're All Niggers To The Rich

hey you whitey you're a fucking bitch
we're all niggers to the rich
hey you blackie you're a fucking dick
we're all niggers to the fucking rich

got you hung up on colors of skin
you both live in richmans wastebin
even if you saw through his fucking lies
he's got you both between his thighs

fight all you want he's ready for you
talk so tough after a couple of brew
his systems intact and will never fall
protest today then go to the mall

hey you whitey you're a fucking bitch
we're all niggers to the rich
hey you blackie you're a fucking dick
we're all niggers to the fucking rich

you're not smarter than his thinktanks
keep complaining on the way to his banks
arm yourselves and make a stand
play right into the rich mans hand

rich man cultivate your hate
wanna fight? oh he can't wait
be his pawns in a civil war
make him more cash on your blood and gore

hey you whitey you're a fucking bitch
we're all niggers to the rich
hey you blackie you're a fucking dick
we're all niggers to the fucking rich

so now that your head's wrapped up in gauze
rich man gets to pass more laws
all those pennies that you didn't save
aren't enough to buy your own grave

hey you whitey you're a fucking bitch
we're all niggers to the rich
hey you blackie you're a fucking dick
we're all niggers to the fucking rich



Pope Rape Pope

here he comes just like an ape
his hat is off it's time to rape
his cock is hard and it's poking out
the boys line up to suck his spout

now it's time for the roman feast
pope rams it in he's a fucking beast
hot rod pounding anal probe
asshole blood gets on his robe

first boy's down now 5 to go
now the pope he wants a blow
doesn't look like it will fit
the papal guard lubes the pope with spit

now the pope is fuckin' rocking
his cock takes turns and the boys keep sucking
he grabs a boy and breaks his spine
and makes the boy do an auto six nine

he's getting tired and feeling feeble
so he gets out the heroin needle
then in comes the other pope
he caught wind of the papal grope

he drops his robe and the boys scream
ignoring them he applies vaseline
now the popes old cocks are flying
the first boy now seems to be dying

that's ok the popes get harder
they jerk each other into a fervor
remaining boys get tossed aside
as pope on pope penis slide inside

each pope has cock in his ass
the papal circle has come to pass
they fuck and jerk with hate and anger
now pope rape pope is getting stronger

you can see the cock-pain in their eyes
but they won't stop until one of them dies
pope rape pope there is no jokin'
now some ribs are getting broken

they bite each other like rabid dogs
which one wins is the pope rape god
they lock together tight as a vise
their squeaking assholes attract some mice

the rodents stare then begin feeding
pope anal blood is constantly bleeding
now they fuck just like a machine
the papal guards are turning green

their assholes still makin' that squeaking
just like back when he became a deacon
one of their cocks has broken off
but he ain't stopping no matter the cost

his papal stump is pounding away
while the other popes cock eroded away
their cock pulp thrusts what is just scab
they twist and pull and jerk and stab

then suddenly they lose their breath
looks like the popes have bled to death