Randy Prozac "Third World Country Classics" (2018)

Produced by Randy Prozac



Violent Pussification

i'm a sexist, racist homophobic
a fascist, white supremacist islamophobic
i'm a xenophobic nazi transphobic
a wrong-thinking dangerous neophobic

a misogynistic ignorant dinosaur
i'm a triggered cis-gendered trojan whore
i'm an intersectional autocratic
inappropriate and problematic

i hate everything except white american right
and donald trump and lord jesus christ
christian values and a star wars satellite
now you're in the cross-hairs of the southern white knight

praise the lord, the missiles are flying
all you motherfuckers will soon be frying
it's time to feel the sound and the fury
4000 nukes and they're all incoming
it's time to learn that you signify nothing
down on your knees, here comes the second coming

i'm a socially constructed mansplained patriarch
a safe spacing diversified stretch mark
an emotionally politicized amusement park
a rapey gender-fluid inclusive question mark

i'm a toxic masculine iconoclastic
a marginalized mental gymnastic
i'm a hate-speeching dominant monastic
a shaming tactician promoting violent language

i'm a normalized microaggresive
a socialist strawman retrogressive
hetero-normative ad hominem reflexive
kyriarchal hegelian dialectic

i'm a decoupled newspeak semantic
a wage-gapping male-centric fanatic
i'm a red-pilled virtue signalling glitch
i'm a rape culture regret-revenge

i hate everything except white american right
and donald trump and lord jesus christ
christian values and a star wars satellite
now you're in the cross-hairs of the southern white knight

praise the lord, the missiles are flying
all you motherfuckers will soon be frying
it's time to feel the sound and the fury
4000 and they're all incoming
it's time to learn that you signify nothing
down on your knees, here comes the second coming



Go Get Pregnant And Die In A Car Crash

sons and daughters of the hypnotic sun
are you ready for the great negation?
slide the burger back into the bun
pile on another 10 billion

blame that government that you support
have a tantrum then go back to work
pay your bills like a good robot
grease the wheels of the juggernaut

you'll eat each other when the time has come
human cheeseburger on the double, yum yum!

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash

absorbing identical information
homogenized in preparation

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash

manipulated into believing
that you're a free-thinking, liberated being

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash

it's all your fault that this will become
but it's never too late for a little redrum

mass-produced objects with no definition
with a daily dose of recondition
indoctrinated through repetition
we'll soon be facing demolition

caused by our own self-projection
and dysfunctional alleviation
induced by the transformation
into a united hive mind nation

but don't worry about any of that
just play with your systems apps
and download the latest traps
so you won't stop the total collapse

into a regulated one-world order
with extra fries and mental disorders
the global village will be built on the death
of an extinct thing called "the individual self"

you'll eat each other when the time has come
human cheeseburger on the double, yum yum!

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash

absorbing identical information
homogenized in preparation

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash

manipulated into believing
that you're a free-thinking, liberated being

go get pregnant and die in a car crash
go get pregnant and die in a car crash



Life In The Cubes

my illegal pregnancy
caused the satellites
to transmit a signal
received by the implants
releasing toxins into my uterus
side-effects from the chemicals
inducing hysterectomy
pieces of it falling out
into the toilet
glowing ultraviolet
oh, i can still taste the styrene
and the reduction of histamine
and i smell like tetra-fluorine
locked out of mandatory media
can't buy food or gasoline
sending new codes to nanites
acknowledge and receive
personality overwrite
and i know, i know i deserved it
didn't have correct permit
now i learn to fully submit
to start again and fix things
but my brain map has been scrambled
too many synapse errors



Forever Twenty One

classless society no division
unity and corporatism

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

one world system controlled state
a born and trained integrated template

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

mandatory nu-playdate
system assigned auto-mate

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

no more gender, no more race
filed down, all edge erased

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

replaced culture by machine
government walmart one-stop dream

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

identical mind control system smile
psycho-engineered computer files

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one

global children share relate
dominated is their fate

twenty one twenty one
twenty one twenty one



3 x 40mg Fluoxetine

i feel so happy
i feel so free
i can't stop smiling
at the beauty of everything

the sun is shining
the seas whispering
to flowers of perfection
and every living thing

embrace all the world around me
i want to experience everything
to cherish every minute
and all that life will bring

everything is perfect
i'm having so much fun
all the friendly smiles
i'm so in love with everyone

what a magic moment
what a lovely day
i feel so much pleasure
i feel happy in every way

i want to snuggle with a puppy
and see paris in the spring
and light some scented candles
i'm so in love with everything

look at all the happy people
with all their friendly smiles
everything is awesome
i'll just absorb that for a while

but now i'm feeling dizzy
and my vision starts to fade
i'm seeing strobe lights
and i'm hearing sounds delayed

i cut my wrist the wrong direction
and i throw up every day
i hate everything about me
every day is a doomsday

everybody wants to rape me
i'm dead deep down inside
i'll walk into the traffic
every day is suicide

the feeling never leaves me
life is hell, i am in hell
i am completely broken
all that's left is just a shell

smash my face into the mirror
swallowing little pieces of glass
i'll run the hose into my vehicle
inhaling the poison gas

i'll walk down the darkest alleys
and hope someone will make me die
i don't care, i don't fucking care
i won't even say goodbye

my life and all my memories
are going down into a hole
to be completely forgotten
and spare me the lies about the human soul

i'm gonna buy a machine gun
and take it to the grocery store
and show you all what really matters
and blow my brains out all over the bodies on the floor



I Ate Too Much Atrazine Today

i ate too much atrazine today
ovaries are growing in me
i'm mutating in the chromosome
and i don't have any testosterone

muscle mass has changed in my legs
and i started to produce some eggs
my testicles have shriveled away
now i just relate to anime

i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today

i guess it shouldn't come as a surprise
as i started to metamorphosize
after i metabolized
all the big macs and the large fries

it's a result of mass consumption
and a response to human production
a necessary subtraction
of population reduction

i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today

i don't mind the hormone restructures
now i get to be like all the others
now that i've been chemically castrated
and psychologically emasculated

the foundation had a big discussion
about controlling human reproduction
manipulating all androgens
disrupting all the endochrines

i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today
i ate too much atrazine today



Me And My Abortion Clinics

i'm listening to rod stewart during my abortion
i sing along, i love his song
i'm feeling the emotion

i'm doing my part to break the poverty trap
caused by overpopulation
the program failed, we breed like rats
we need to sterilize the nations

fertility is out of control
we're headed for negation
microchip the poor, index them all
monitor their procreation

unemployment exploitation
the price you pay for all your fucking
the rich have us on our knees
now hear the endless sound of sucking

me and my abortion clinics
have it all figured out
me and my abortion clinics
have a permanent discount

oh what a world we could have
through mandatory abortion
too many worthless idiots
we could harvest all their organs

put contraceptives in the water supply
get some AIDS from the foundation
a permanent state of auto-abort
and expulsive ovulation

so join the club, do it now
you won't even feel the tube insertion
stop squeezing them out just like big macs
all that does is cause more hurting

let's pass those laws, do it for the team
and all the future births averted
just open wide and close your eyes
let the surgeon handle the spurting

me and my abortion clinics
have it all figured out
me and my abortion clinics
have a permanent discount

me and my abortion clinics
me and my abortion clinics
me and my abortion clinics



Hammer And Suckle

oh, that hurt my feelings
oh, it hurts my feelings
now i'm self-policing
now i'm self regulating

and i'll report you to the authorities
and i'll shut down your disease
because what you did was inexcusable
and what you said is unforgivable

i failed the sensitivity training
i don't know the diversity laws
i didn't read the legislation
i don't wanna respect your mental flaws

now i'm afraid to express myself
i'm marginalized by buzzwords
i'm walking on the eggshells
fuck the gatekeepers

i don't agree, it should banned
just need some time in the puppy room
your individuality has no identity

you're acting like a customer
a degenerated consumer
just like a real activist
another useful idiot

i failed the sensitivity training
i don't know the diversity laws
i didn't read the legislation
i don't wanna respect your mental flaws

now i'm afraid to express myself
i'm marginalized by buzzwords
i'm walking on the eggshells
fuck the gatekeepers

you can't find that page you're looking for
you can't find that page no more

you can't find that page you're looking for
you can't find that page no more

i can't find that page no more
i can't find that page no more



Allah Save The Queen

jesus is satan
and this is hell
my computer's from israel
and made by bel

through the pollution
i smell a hint of summer
as the sun and zodiac
have their last supper

through the blur of my eyes
the sky fades to grey
as the satellites and smartdust
make me gay

the mall blocks the sun
as it was setting
and inside of my head
it was dull and throbbing

allah save the queen
allah save the queen
allah save the queen
allah save the queen

now that everyone
is jeffrey dahmer
i have to admit
i feel a little calmer

regardless of what you see
in the mirror
the end result was monstrous
and the path was clear

computers spread the virus
of the poisoned brain
and now peoplekind
is circling the drain

unable to bond
or find any connection
trapped in the labyrinth
suffocate imprisoned

allah save the queen
allah save the queen
allah save the queen
allah save the queen



Millions Of Dead Communists

we'll control means of production
and we'll force equality
we don't need no money
people will work for free

we'll regulate the farmers
and we'll sanction their seeds
we'll live together
in peace and anarchy

bad daddy wants to tell us
how to live our lives
but we're gonna get him
with the longest of knives

because anarchy is coming
and he'll drown in our red tides
we'll do what we want
we'll be gay and do crimes

we don't need his workers
we don't need his engineers
we don't need his banks
we don't need his financiers

we don't need police
we don't need to be told
we don't need his lawyers
and we will not be controlled

we don't need bad daddy
or his carpenters
we don't need mechanics
we don't need the marketers

we don't need his firemen
or his bus drivers
we don't need repairmen
we don't need the damn doctors

we hate bad daddy
we hate society
abolish all his prisons
because everyone is free

bad daddy is a nazi
he hates all brown people
we won't obey his laws
because no one is illegal

everyone is welcome
because we don't need a nation
everything is free here
including reparations

we don't need to understand
basic economics
the national anthem
sung proudly in ebonics

we don't need machinists
we need anarchy
no one's gonna tell us
how to act or how to be

we don't need the roofers
we don't need technicians
we don't need the plumbers
we don't need the electricians

we don't need designers
we don't need the welders
we don't need the produce
and we don't need the vendors

we don't need his armies
to stop the invasions
we will all be friends
with all the foreign nations

bad daddy wants us all
to be patriotic
but we will not obey
we will not be robotic

we're not going to kneel
to the authorities
bad daddy is a fascist
he hates minorities

bad daddy wants us all
to be patriotic
but we will not obey
we will not be robotic

we're not going to kneel
to the authorities
bad daddy is a fascist
he hates minorities



Rapefugees Are Coming To Town

i got white privilege
i'm checking it twice
karl marx is laughing
rainbows in his eyes

are coming to town

the universities are corrupted
the teachers are communists
diversity / inclusion
is the porn they baby-sit

are coming to town

they know your kids are swimming
they'll corner them at the pool
they'll have sexual emergencies
and relieve
the old *bleep*

diversity is
a bio-weapon
using immigrants
to create third world nations

are coming to town

you better not speak
about it online
or you'll go to prison
for six years for hate-crime

are coming to town

don't stand up for your country
especially if you're white
they've brainwashed your people
they'll attack you on sight

are coming to town

then after a mcwhile
once you've realised the truth
and your country lay in economic ruin
you were diversity's fool

i got white privilege
i'm checking it twice
karl marx is laughing
rainbows in his eyes

rapefugees are coming to town

is coming to town



O Antifa

o antifa, o antifa
proudly fight the nazi's
o antifa, o antifa
follow in the footsteps of trotsky
goodnight alt-right, your heads will crack
when every night is kristallnacht,
o antifa, o antifa
your eyes are closer together

o antifa, o antifa
no platform for the fascists
o antifa, o antifa
brown shirt & black bloc tactics
mao and stalin shall be revived
on the next 'night of the long knives'
o antifa, o antifa
it's not ok to be white

o antifa, o antifa
no one is illegal
o antifa, o antifa
clip the wings of the eagle
orange man bad, he's a nationalist
identitarian not globalist
o antifa, o antifa
no border, no wall

o antifa, o antifa
ending white supremacy
o antifa, o antifa
forcing equality
and demographic replacement
by third world immigrants
o antifa, o antifa
no usa at all