Randy Prozac "In The Streams Of Amazon Prime" (2024)

Produced By Randy Prozac



I'm Your Turbo Cancer

i'm your TV
you believe me
without question
obey my repetition
lined up for injection
receiving our transfection
feel the steel pinch
cold absorbent cotton
metastasizing now that you've forgotten

all in this together
erasing you forever
fast growing tumors
the size of a golf ball
arteries plugged with
stage four ramen noodles

i'm your turbo cancer
pus-filled erupting tumors
i'm your turbo cancer
pfizer's new financer

crossing blood/brain barrier
and spreading through your veins
and every thought is clouded
by the lump inside your brain
long covid is a cover
for vax induced HIV
be not a cancer on the earth
leave room for the elite

i'm your turbo cancer
drop dead is now the fashion
i'm your turbo cancer
murdered by your master

hardcore totalitarianism
gradually integrated
disease X cover story
for mass death of vaccinated
compliance to the tyrants
always pleases the castrated
freedom is a dead dream
all hope now suffocated

i'm your turbo cancer
pus-filled erupting tumors
i'm your turbo cancer
pfizer's new financer

i'm your turbo cancer
pus-filled erupting tumors
i'm your turbo cancer
boot on your face forever



In The Streams Of Amazon Prime

micro attention spans media domination
massive neuropsycho biodegeneration
injecting the beast into the Vmat2 gene
starving to death while scrolling the screen

and in the streams of amazon prime
bernays looks up from perdition with pride
surrounded by all the customers of size
deep throating krispy creme with sanpaku eyes

in the lifeforce milking coffin barely alive
they are glowing blue and hypnotized
mechanical hands tonguing their eyes
at what used to be walmart you can still hear their cries

when civilization goes counter clockwise
microplastic clouds will fantasize
the doomsday dream of frankenstein
a mostly peaceful genocide

and in the streams of amazon prime
bernays looks up from perdition with pride
surrounded by all the customers of size
deep throating krispy creme with sanpaku eyes

in the lifeforce milking coffin barely alive
they are glowing blue and hypnotized
mechanical hands tonguing their eyes
at what used to be walmart, you can still hear their cries

you can't blame dogs for liking puke
when you let them surveil you
one one three eight, tightly screwed
soylent green flesh fondue

let it all burn, hate minutes two
blackwhite deepdick deja vu
shorter lifespans and reduced IQ
Ai sieg heil smartphone salute



WEF Have Won

barbara spectre's big black cock
is calling all the shots
seal of solomon
WEF have won

erect demented geriatric
warmongering shitstains
we're all equal when our skin's on fire
the best laid plans of pedophiles
shaped like a menorah
WEF have won
five hundred million
WEF have won

it's not too late
to sacrifice
kids to banks
like rabbi's on foreskin

you're sucking on the clowns left nut
you'll suck the right one too
progenitors of third temple
think they are the chosen ones

you'll still do NOTHING
five hundred million
WEF have won

hot rodent man
with a penis
in her mind
supports the latest thing

fauci sent (fauci sent)
a box of beagles (a box of beagles)
for the month of june (month of june)
with pants unzipped
and a truck full of your kids

if leatherface made cinnamon buns
and cut city water pipes
the beginning of soros
sparkling orangina of the golden don
five hundred million

WEF have won
WEF have won
WEF have won
WEF have won



Cruciformed Moon Owl

everyone's in a trance while they destroy everything
as all we've known and held dear is obliterated
failure of complex systems leads to massive death
pervert and corrupt, destroy you in every way

we live in a dead world, it just hasn't died yet
an ugly destroyed shell of its former self
everything is either broken or unavailable
the organism welcomes the gift of WEF

they have manufactured a fake reality
the population plugs into via their smartphones
the machine knows how to push your buttons
the projection on the wall of plato’s cave

all i see are dysgenic people shuffling along
long shadows fall from people who shouldn't exist at all
starved in place where mobility scooters ran out of charge
most of the population are programmable

gone are shelves of food, a distant memory
gone is worthless cheap shit from china
we're eating chemically melted human corpses
hanging burning tires around our necks

damage through neurotoxins in everything
injections that enable demonic influence
support satanic quest for eternal orgasms
morphing into The Fly before dying

a diabolical future of governed minds
chaos is a tool which opens the door
snakes swallowing other smaller snakes
keep on sending your kids to the monster

everything is the opposite of reality
all mainstream viewpoints are a blatant lie
the screens alter perception of reality
with no objective truth, you are delusional

if it's digital it's hackable
and so is every neck of the tyrants
find them and completely eradicate them
break their system, destroy the new world order