Illuminati Softslave "Support Your Oppression" (2014)

Produced by Randy Prozac



I'm Illuminati

the garbage can you call your head
believes anything that it's fuckin' fed
an entire world of computerized zombies

you were taught to oppress yourself
you can't think at all without computerized help
lined up like the jonestown bodies

what would you do with the illuminati?
you can't fuckin' hunt your brain is silly putty
no wonder the corporations have an easy time enslaving you

you think the illuminati can be stopped?
change that fuckin' diaper cuz our gun is cocked
and all your fantasies based on whatever sounds cool

you're no longer human now you're half machine
the soft little tissues of your kleenex brain
the illuminati play you like a video game

i'm illuminati
can't see the bars for the cage
i'm illuminati
it's our golden age
i'm illuminati
every thought that you think
i'm illuminati
all our lies that you'll drink
i'm illuminati
go and play your games
i'm illuminati
going down in our flames
i'm illuminati
you don't know shit about us
i'm illuminati
have a pint and discuss

i'm illuminati
can't see the bars for the cage
i'm illuminati
it's our golden age
i'm illuminati
every thought that you think
i'm illuminati
all our lies that you'll drink
i'm illuminati
go and play your games
i'm illuminati
going down in our flames
i'm illuminati
you don't know shit about us
i'm illuminati
have a pint and discuss

if it looks like a burger
shove it down your face
better have two
soon you'll be erased

get rid of you
with a super flu
lungs full of blood
whatcha gonna do?

run all you want
we'll hunt you down
you wear the chains
we wear the crown

hit the beach
do some suntannin'
destroyed your city
with a laser cannon

laughing it up
when you're at the bars
soon your bodies
will be crushed like cars

while you're jerking out
at the gym
we infected your kids
with an antigen

you'll drop dead
from glandular fever
implanted your head
with a stimoceiver

stacking your bodies
in the back of a truck
the sexual fantasies
of jd rock

we don't care
if we destroy this world
we're halfway to mars
and we fucked your girl

the legs of the system
are fully spread
exposing the breasts
of the dragons head



Support Your Oppression

your parents enslaved
you to the system at birth
when you got your number
on certificate of birth

look in the mirror
into those dim little eyes
try to rise up
we'll knock you down to size

you're just the grease
in the systems wheel
too late for you
and your fates are sealed

your own ignorance
is in the extreme
you are the ones
who enable our dream

all of you people
stay down on your knees
it's where you belong
in the systems dream

all that you do
every penny you spend
enables a structure
that you can't comprehend

we give you your clothing
and we give you your food
your heat and your shelter
from our oily crude

you're nothing without us
you're too stupid and weak
you rattle the cage
and we'll break your beak

ignorant youth
soon you'll be like your parents
conformed to the system
natural born peasants

you support your oppression
and conform to our system
you'll never win
there will be no resistance

we are the masters
and you are the slaves
we control all your brains
with our video games

there's no hope for you
so don't even try
pay up the bills
get a wife and then die

you'll do what you're told
cuz it's for your own good
we'll stand on your backs
and it's understood

you support your oppression
and conform to our system
you'll never win
there will be no resistance

we are the masters
and you are the slaves
we control all your brains
with our video games

you don't even know
that you don't even know
we shape the future
while you make the dough

you against the system
don't make me laugh
you're no threat to us
we'll cut your children in half

you support your oppression
and conform to our system
you'll never win
there will be no resistance

we are the masters
and you are the slaves
we control all your brains
with our video games




you're smart to let us be your guiding hand
with a microchip instead of an armband
just keep smiling while we robotize your lives
an entire society of stepford wives

you're controlled from cradle to grave
indexed and cataloged, the ideal softslave
can't make a move without us knowing
lobotomy chemicals, so easy-going

convenience will just keep growing
wearing the collar of the seeds your sowing
all of your secrets and intimacies
who do you think gave you that auto-immune disease?

you're smart
to accept your own enslavement
you're smart
to let us control your method of payment
you're smart
to see it as an advancement
you're smart
to swallow our enchantments

you're smart
to be so housebroken
you're smart
to be stupid, not outspoken
you're smart
to live for entertainment
you're smart
to enable your own detainment

we know who you know and who they know
we know who you act like and which tv show
we know everything that you ever wrote
we know where you got your jokes and who you misquote

we know what you got paid and what you saved
we know how much time on the videogame
we know all your truth and all your lies
we know who you like and who you despise

we know what you learned and what you forgot
we know where you are at your vacation spot
we know what you feel and how you'll react
we know how easy you are to distract

we know when you're asleep and when you're awake
we know where you went on your coffee break
we know how much power and what you did with it
we know when you'll fight and when you'll submit

we know things about you that you don't know
we know when you'll stop and when you'll go
we know when to push and when to ease off
we know you'll eat the slop from the systems trough

we know how to mold you and bring you to heel
we know that you'll sign the unread deal
we know when the bomb is set to explode
we know that you'll swallow the entire load

you're smart
to accept your own enslavement
you're smart
to let us control your method of payment
you're smart
to see it as an advancement
you're smart
to swallow our enchantments

you're smart
to be so housebroken
you're smart
to be stupid, not outspoken
you're smart
to live for entertainment
you're smart
to enable your own detainment



Dismembrance Day

lay back down like a good little dog
you can't feel a thing through the chemical fog
it's better for you to remain in that state
oblivious and numb, while we're lying in wait

it's your privilege to die for our dream
it's an honor for you to be killed by our machine
tie your little ribbons and pretend you care
keep feeding our illusion, make us billionaires

we'll stir your pots, make you think you're noble
little action figures of the elite global
everyone you know, your friends and family
believe that there it virtue in our killing machine

we tell you your beliefs from beginning to end
the corporate military is your best of friends
murdering the children of whomever we choose
priming the wick of your little fuse

they only care about the death that we sell them
all other slaughters were long since forgotten
psychological puppets of the masters hand
falling into step, all according to plan

it's our right and it's our place
to dominate and steer the entire human race
we are the god men and you are the rats
disposable pawns of the upper class

believe you're in control, that you have a say
stroking yourselves on patriot's day
commemorating rape on thanksgiving day
wear our opium poppies on dismembrance day

it's our right and it's our place
to dominate and steer the entire human race
we are the god men and you are the rats
disposable pawns of the upper class

believe you're in control, that you have a say
stroking yourselves on patriot's day
commemorating rape on thanksgiving day
plastic opium poppies on dismembrance day

it's our right and it's our place
to dominate and steer the entire human race
we are the god men and you are the rats
disposable pawns of the upper class



The Bland Chessboard

gather around the ouroboros
tell ya a story about a man named horus
the spaces between the razor tape
remind me of the psychological rape

the soldiers are at full erection
ready for caesarean section
my middle name is video game
and my brain is all the same

we became one and the same
united pieces in the same board game
that's because we're all workin' together
connecting the chains of the systems tether

look at all those smiling faces
indexed by military bases
the tv shows you how to act
the magazines tell you how to attract

all the people everywhere i go
are mind controlled and they don't even know
they parrot the voice of the tv screen
breathing life into the living death dream

another conformist who thinks he's not
fight illuminati and smoking pot
has no skills a professional dummy
eye in the triangle better call for mommy

i'm waiting for the next chess move
to watch a new generation fall for it

you support your own oppression
that's how smart you aren't

i'm waiting for the next chess move
to watch a new generation fall for it

you support your own oppression
that's how smart you aren't

stop illuminati? ha ha ha
it's a little too late for that you fool

dead child with her head cored out
i need the new video game mommy

caught the baby on the bayonet
sitting in the air conditioned theatre

trying to run without a foot
a matching purse and iphone case

i'm waiting for the next chess move
to watch a new generation fall for it

you support your own oppression
that's how smart you aren't

i'm waiting for the next chess move
to watch a new generation fall for it

you support your own oppression
that's how smart you aren't



The Human Disgrace

welcome to the computerized concentration camp
here's your iphone and here's your apps
controlling your minds by remote-control
now you know why you're such a stupid asshole

we implant all your thoughts, we make you think you think
reactionary robots with blank eyes that just blink
they never even noticed the tightening of the clamp
now the world is just one big internment camp

you think you have a name, but you're only a number
just ants being crushed beneath the boots of big brother
we've got you cornered and there's no way out
we'll destroy entire cities to bring the next stage about

heil to you and your endless rat race
keep marching along at a military pace
nevermind that the world has now been defaced
we're holding you so close in our loving embrace

when we look at you we just see a blank space
a mass of fools running out of disk space
we are the true master race
and you are just the human disgrace

unity is homogenization
integration is slavery
television is mind control
lobotomized through circuitries