Illuminati Softslave "Generic Global Eye" (2017)

Produced By Randy Prozac



Life Cycle Of The New World [censored]

the non-dividual playlist
they call themselves
was born and trained at length
to increase our wealth

the gross domestic product
called the human herd
consecrate entertainment
the cornerstone of their world

convince them completely
of our false reality
our finger's on the button
of their ctrl key

to enable our progress
worthless lives just a blur
grovelling for shells
while we keep the pearls

they'll see through our eyes
and they'll speak with our voice
they'll willingly select
their social network of choice

staying in their cages
they are synced to their phones
our precious little users
are our personal drones

'work makes free'
and if there's any dissenters
we'll activate their brains
reward centers

those soft, sleepy eyelids
as the tv flickers
that's the life cycle of the
new world [censored]

a purely robotic
tampax dispenser
brought to its knees
in exchange for some pleasure

let them overpopulate
and then we'll break them
if they want jobs
they can get the implant brain stem

they'll turn on themselves
like hungry dogs
and then they will accept us
as their new gods

they'll remain silent
and they will comply
they are the blind
and we are the i

they'll see through our eyes
and they'll speak with our voice
they'll willingly select
their social network of choice

staying in their cages
they are synced to their phones
our precious little users
are our personal drones

'work makes free'
and if there's any dissenters
we'll activate their brains
reward centers

those soft, sleepy eyelids
as the tv flickers
that's the life cycle of the
new world [censored]



French-Fried Human Consciousness

squeezing out more mouths to feed
all they do is mindlessly breed
but that's just peachy because soon enough
we'll dispose of them, it won't be tough

now that they have built our structures
we'll destroy the industries of manufacture
we'll have a laugh as they can't find jobs
they'll turn to us because we're their gods

oh, i'm sorry, what can you do?
ready release of the final flu
it's better this way, there's no need to bitch
the poor exist to serve the rich

down on their knees, they begged their screens
every last penny went to our vaccines
oh, how they plead and how they cried
but the world is better now that they've died

the amount of bodies was rather enormous
we had them build machines to clean up their own corpses
tidied up, got rid of their homes
found some use for those neutron bombs

500 million of us remain
sit by the pool and sip champagne
without their presence, it's just so nice
at last the earth is a paradise

oh, i'm sorry, what can you do?
ready release of the final flu
it's better this way, there's no need to bitch
the poor exist to serve the rich

down on their knees, they begged their screens
every last penny went to our vaccines
oh, how they plead and how they cried
but the world is better now that they've died



The Zero Consequence Of The Product Called 'You'

pavlovian dog waiting for its bell
playing with the buttons of its prison cell
grooming its profile, it anxiously waits
hoping for a text, as it salivates

at one with our system, in their eyes it shines
to our master-clock, they've been synchronized
poking around the structures of their minds
our hypnotic commands have been well-disguised

no personal self, you're here to work
be proud to be poor, you're the salt of the earth
use them up at the lowest cost
the entire hard drive should be tossed

the replicated imitation
born broken, with no foundation
teaching them their limitations
soften them up for the global nation

autistic servants of the corporate state
de-sexualized shaven invertebrates
discussing at length, the new hairstyle
while practicing their celebrity smile

what you call your world view
is something we inject into you
deconstruct the indoctrination?
they never will, it's their consolation

adjusted to function within the structure
devaluated and manufactured
fully declawed and completely subdued
the zero consequence of the product called 'you'

what you call your world view
is something we inject into you
deconstruct the indoctrination?
they never will, it's their consolation

adjusted to function within the structure
devaluated and manufactured
fully declawed and completely subdued
the zero consequence of the product called 'you'

scooping you up, fresh from the womb
twenty billion customers each take their turn
regurgitating identical thoughts
socially impotent flesh robots

filling their neurons as they've been trained
with a hundred thousand hours of our video games
data raped and the latest vaccines
all their dreams crushed inside machines

what you call your world view
is something we inject into you
deconstruct the indoctrination?
they never will, it's their consolation

adjusted to function within the structure
devaluated and manufactured
fully declawed and completely subdued
the zero consequence of the product called 'you'

what you call your world view
is something we inject into you
deconstruct the indoctrination?
they never will, it's their consolation

adjusted to function within the structure
devaluated and manufactured
fully declawed and completely subdued
the zero consequence of the product called 'you'



Androgynous Neutered Soft Slaves Of The New World Order

the men and the women
through fashion industry
and feminism

homogenize them
androgynize them
for corporate profit
and political control

sculpting them all
into subservient minions
modelling their thoughts
crystallize their opinions

it's perfectly normal
to have attention deficit disorder
androgynous neutered soft slaves
of the new world order

we've trained them well
to walk upon eggshells
frogs boil so slowly
but their servitude is wholly

continuing to parrot
and regurgitate thoughts
fed by the media
through our specialized robots

sculpting them all
into subservient minions
modelling their thoughts
crystallize their opinions

it's perfectly normal
to have attention deficit disorder
androgynous neutered soft slaves
of the new world order

we are the dark masters
of psychology
we divide every social group
into carefully defined scenes

allowing them to pretend
to be unique and individual
while still conforming
and thinking nothing original

sculpting them all
into subservient minions
modelling their thoughts
crystallize their opinions

it's perfectly normal
to have attention deficit disorder
androgynous neutered soft slaves
of the new world order

limit your thinking
surrender your rights
embrace mediocrity
no need to put up a fight

their entire lives
lived inside of their boxes
they'll work, they'll play
shop online and pay taxes

as the largest corporations
merge with government
we'll keep them traumatized
with our false-flag terror events



The Self-Imposed Prison Of The Omega Man

you owe us everything
we'll take good care of you
we'll give you e-z life
and bring you mcdonald's

you're safer here
behind the soothing walls
in the computer cube
just follow protocol

you'll only feel pain
when you try to be conscious
just take the pills you're told
they calm the nauseousness

wipe out all those thoughts
you'll have a better time
down on the glue farm
building your new timeline

down the tubes they go
swirling round and round
standing in the line
they won't make a sound

lots of pictures of you
and your loboto-wife
remember you this way
and your prosthetic lives

you feel something's wrong
missing inside of you
a little barbed-wire
a lot of deja vu

all your essential needs
are at your fingertips
so military-like
controlled environments

enjoy the black friday's
and shortening lifespans
the self imposed prison
of the omega man



Generic Global i

unable to discern it
the inforbation spews off the screens
you're not a name, you're only a number
saturated with fluoxetine

collapsing human consciousness
your inner self is neutralized
billions of soft slaves linking
generic global i

all heil the new utopia
the drive through of the golden dawn
for the soft slave

in the new world of surrogate personas
you're drowning in an ocean of lies
for nothing..

you've been replaced and over-written
numerals in a sequential crash

behind the eyes of your bottomless hole
you've been corrected for maximum rape

sinking into the movie
floating in the soup of lies
little products in their containers
well-rinsed and sterilized

commemorate the loss of all cultures
you're all the same brain now
identical redundant patterns
you're our mind controlled cash cow

synchronous computer human
controlled by the game controller
de-gendered and neurotic
autistic and bi-polar

celebrate the erosion of the self
into a one-world mind
within the hive of facebooks
generic global i

you seem so well-adjusted
natural born into a slavery state
suckling babies..

you've been randomly selected
every thought already detected
so obedient..

remain silent, no one will hear you
go through the motions and please just die

drowned out from the inside
within the comforting lies
sweet dreams..

sinking into the movie
floating in the soup of lies
little products in their containers
well-rinsed and sterilized

commemorate the loss of all cultures
you're all the same brain now
identical redundant patterns
you're our mind controlled cash cow

synchronous computer human
controlled by the game controller
de-gendered and neurotic
autistic and bi-polar

celebrate the erosion of the self
into a one-world mind
within the hive of facebooks